Shoulders: As Strong as Your Weakest Link

30 May 2014 Are you a thumb-around-the-bar-cheater? Do you bend your elbows during your kip swing? Are we always hollering at you to lock your arms out overhead? Here’s what you’re up to. If you are missing full range of motion in the shoulder, you may be compensating with bent elbows. Although this position can…

Shoulders: As Strong as Your Weakest Link

5 Mar 2014 Are you a thumb-over-the-bar-cheater? (Yes, your thumbs should wrap around the bar, not hook over it). Do you bend your elbows during your kip swing? Are we always hollering at you to lock your arms out overhead? Here’s what you’re up to. If you are missing full range of motion in the…

Shoulders: As Strong as Your Weakest Link

9 January 2013 Are you a thumb-around-the-bar-cheater? Do you bend your elbows during your kip swing? Are we always hollering at you to lock your arms out overhead? Here’s what you’re up to. If you are missing full range of motion in the shoulder, you may be compensating with bent elbows. Although this position can…